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In the eye of hurricane COVID-19, staying at home is the option, even with a brutal impact on the increase of the disease!

The issue is serious: deprived of the beach, the street, the outdoors, nature, without sun exposure, without vitamin D, without naturally produced drugs – a consequence of the pleasures of living.

Sad, alone, without love, without money, without health. Living with a slow rhythm,… Living without taste…

About 10 years ago, a Nutricionista, o Dr. Alexandre Azevedo, became interested in the subject, and in a consultation he commented that sleep disorders, which I had a life, could be related to vitamin D deficits, even though I am a surfer, because most of our body is protected by the fact of surfing and on the face and hands we use sunscreen.

More recently, a friend, Cristina, who owns a natural products store, Bem Me Quer Produtos Naturais, sent me an article and I went to remember the subject. Here is the summary of the information I consulted and my reflection.

The facts:

  1. What is vitamin D?
  2. Vitamin D, how much is needed?
  3. The diagnosis, how is it made?
  4. How to get this vitamin?
  5. What are the risks of deficiency of this vitamin?
  6. How are the Portuguese in this scenario?
  7. And now the subject COVID-19, what is the relationship with Vitamin D?

My reflection:

  1. The worsened situation with the present scenario !?
  2. What vision of Health in the near future?
  3. Which professionals truly promote health?
  4. COVID-19, Surf and Sport no!
  5. As a conclusion



1. What is vitamin D?

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that our bodies need for countless vital processes.

The deficit in this nutrient can cause serious complications, as it is found in 270 genes and is also present in the cardiovascular system.

The production of Vitamin D is naturally made by our own organism, by sun exposure, to UVB rays, which will activate its synthesis. When this exposure is deficient, Vitamin D can be administered as a supplement.

It can be strengthened, also through some foods. But it is not the same, as the effects of supplementation are not as long-lasting as the effects of sun exposure. Many studies have been done, particularly in countries with less sun.

More recently, this subject has been much talked about, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, due to the impact, it can have on the immune, cardiovascular and other systems.

When this exposure is deficient, Vitamin D can be administered as a supplement. It can be strengthened, also through some foods. But it is not the same, as the effects of supplementation are not as long-lasting as the effects of sun exposure.

Many studies have been done, particularly in countries with less sun. More recently, this subject has been much talked about, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, due to the impact, it can have on the immune, cardiovascular and other systems.

2. Vitamin D, how much is needed?

Babies from 0 to 1 year: 400 to 1000UI / day;

Children and adolescents from 1 to 18 years old: 600 to 1000UI / day;

Adults and pregnant women (general and at-risk population): from 600 to 2000 IU / day. 3.

3. The diagnosis, how is it made?

The diagnosis is made through a blood test called 25-hydroxyvitamin D, and the reference values ​​are:

Severe deficiency: less than 20 ng/ml;

Mild deficiency: between 21 and 29 ng/ml;

Adequate value: from 30 ng/ml.

4. And how to get this vitamin?

A. The Sun

The natural solution is to sunbathe. The exposure must be daily, of at least 15 to 20 minutes, and there must be a sun exposure of a large area of ​​the body, as the production will be proportional. When we get sun for this effect and for this duration it is very important not to use any type of sun protection, so as not to filter the UVB, necessary in the process. Exposure to the sun done in this way provides 10,000 units of vitamin D.

Attention never forgets that this is a professional matter. Consult the doctor for clinical analysis.

B. Supplements

The recommended dose of the supplement depends on the age of the person, the clinical analysis, the purpose of the supplementation can vary between 1000 IU to 50000 IU.

C. Nutrition

It can be obtained in some foods, but no diet shows sufficient quantities for the needs of daily intake.

5. What are the risks of deficiency of this vitamin?

Low blood levels of vitamin D are associated with several health problems:

Weak bones, increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, dementia, rheumatoid arthritis, infectious diseases, immune system deficiencies, cancer, sleep disorders, depression.

I also found several studies that identify vitamin D insufficiency in depressive disorders.

6. How are the Portuguese in this scenario?

The Portuguese, despite our wonderful sun, also have a vitamin D deficit. It can be related to the fact that we live more indoors and in offices, than outside.

7. And now the subject COVID-19, what is the relationship with Vitamin D?

Studies have revealed evidence that vitamin D supplementation can reduce the risk of contagion, infection and death.

That’s all there is to know, summed up in one sentence.

6. Como estão os portugueses neste cenário?

Os portugueses, apesar do nosso sol maravilhoso, também apresentam défice de vitamina D. Estará relacionado com o facto de vivermos mais fechados dentro de casa e nos escritórios. 

7. E agora o assunto COVID-19, qual a relação com a Vitamina D?

Estudos, revelaram evidências que a suplementação de Vitamina D, pode reduzir o risco de contágio, a infeção e a morte. 

É tudo o que há para saber, resumido numa frase só. 

My Reflection

1. Situation aggravated by the present scenario !?

“The Vitamin D deficit in the general population, even in Portugal where we have so much sun, is almost a pandemic in itself”. As the Dermatologist, Dr. Sofia Magina says.

It is a case to say before it was already! But if it’s not nutritionists and naturalists, is it common to hear about this concern?

With so much information around us, I haven’t been listening.


2. What vision of Health in the near future?

A different look from the vision of the rulers, no doubt, but is it really that invalid?

The topic is highly revolting and also intriguing, especially for someone like me, with a career promoting health at various levels.

At the beginning of the 2nd confinement, closed and deprived of exercising my profession, when from ALL the universe of my practitioners and clients, I append, I confined my profession.


3. Which professionals truly promote health?

This profession, which happens to be a means of health promotion.

Physical health, mental health, and the fight against the disease.

Our area, Sports, Physical Exercise and Health, Fitness, Physical Activity, and Sports is one of the strong areas of health promotion.

Why is it not even considered in the discussion topics of the government?

4. Are these professionals doing their best?

Sports Clubs and Associations, Fitness Instructors, Sports Coaches, Physical Education Teachers and the trainers of all of them, are they be adjusted to the current reality?

Are we doing everything we can, to show the importance of our work? Or are we just doing the mediocre and therefore, due to lack of pride in the career, and due to the lack of a critical number of good professionals, is our work not considered?

Two decades ago I graduated as a Physical Education Teacher. National programs were out of place. They were impractical. In fact, they were not practiced! Woe to anyone who gives negative to boys who have 5 to everything !!

After 20 years, they are the same.

Dear colleagues, higher or lower in the system, are we doing our best?

5. When is a health movement going?

Especially when talking about this flu, 3 recommendations that became famous: wash your hands, wear a mask, distance.

The National Disease System (as I fondly call it), doesn’t even have any recommendation to keep our immune system more robust and protected, less prone and fragile, to this or other new attacks ?? Seriously?? How poor!!

So what about prevention with tables, probiotics, vitamins, avoiding drafts, temperature differences, and all those things that we hear from parents and grandparents all their lives, no recommendation matters for anything?

It leads us to question, what real political interest there will be behind the permanent concern with the cure of the disease instead of a real concern with the promotion and maintenance of health.

But the political discussion is not my area. Alone, without strength, and without voice!

30 ’of sun daily, 40’ moderate to vigorous daily exercise…

Are there no more recommendations, to repeat and impose and get into the population?

Imagine the scenario, healthier, more productive, happier people!

What an impact? A political catastrophe !?

6. COVID-19, Surf and Sport not!

What does the subject of vitamin D have to do with the subject of Surf and Sport?

We are closed.

Is this the only or the best solution? Are all levels of health being considered?

And the healthy ones who are getting sick, do they pay off?

7. By way of Conclusion

It is urgent to reflect on the impact of these decisions on the future of humanity in the next couple of years and beyond. And when there is a new threat similar to this, will we be prepared, or have we become even more fragile.

Thousands of new technologies will emerge to help so many perilous and sick people to ensure a kind of life, I know!

But what about the simple, where does the simple take place? Be alive, active, healthy, happy, and natural instead of artificial.

For when? When is a modern strategy for real promotion and increased health, adjusted to the century in which we live in?



Entre tantos outros que li, e acabei por nem referir… Vejam pelos vossos prórpios olhos….