😉 Today we offer you a detailed description of the basic position of Surfing that we consider to be the best approach, for the initial training of any person.

This approach is based on 22 years of collected experience, many courses taken, some academic, others just for a few hours or weekends, many questions asked to other professionals of the area, to whom I look with admiration (unfortunately in the Surf area there are few who deserve this merit, but many others from the sports area complete the range of many good professionals, scholars and sports scientists), more than 20 thousand students taught, not always with this method, and that we will improve whenever we consider that something different works better.

But the most important thing is that all our method is grounded. Any person, client or professional, can and should challenge, question, as long as they can then refute or substantiate it as well. “Because everyone does it this way”, “because I do it this way”, “because I learned it this way” “because I was taught it this way”, are not valid justifications.

Please justify yourselves based on and knowledge of Biomechanics and Anatomy, and then in another phase, Fluid Mechanics and Laws of Physics, Wave Phenomena, and so on…  😀

At Good Surf Good Love, we absolutely disagree with the typical “archery” position 🏹, that you see constantly being taught on beaches all over the world, every day, by all kinds of monitors, instructors, coaches, teachers (no, it’s not all the same thing…). 😬

Let me ask you, those who have learned this way, how many of you have consistency in the first turning maneuvers (at the bottom or top), especially when this turning is done in the direction of our backs – Backside??❓❓❓ Have you ever wondered if the position is not too rigid and stressed, and if your back is turned to the side where it is more difficult to do the first maneuvers, with what eyes will you be able to see the wave❓😬 hihihihi
The naturally lateralized position, we can accept, but the excessive flexion of the legs and the proudly expressed ninja attitude, no way!

😉 Calm down “ninjas”! This is just our method, and everyone can have their own. 😜

If the average consistency of standing up every time you catch a wave is not above 80% after your 2nd surf session, then you should try our method!

👉 Share this information with any of your ninja friends if you think they need to know this urgently! 😉🙏